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Dark Circle

Alliance Rules

Terms of Engagement







Rules of the Dark Circle

There are certain rules and safety precautions placed to keep players happy and safe. All alliance members must follow these T.O.E. rules at all times.


- If an RBP N.A.P. is broken, refer to a higher-up to know what move to do next. DO NOT INTERCEPT OR RETAKE on an N.A.P. Break.

- If a Planetary N.A.P. is broken, refer to a higher-up to know what move to do next. DO NOT INTERCEPT OR VENGE over Break.

- Only a player in a ranking position to make a call over war may make any calls concerning war during incidents. DO NOT START A NEW WAR.

- During the battles as players are on chat, keep an attitude of respect and grace. When insulting players or trash talking, DO NOT resort to using dirty statements or offending peoples mothers. We are trying to be professional about our appearences.

- If an enemy with no N.A.P. placed attacks a planet, or an RBP, it is aloud to intercept their ships, or send in defense. You may also send at the planet of the attackee.

- If a problem or question arises, based apon your rank, do NOT make any decisions or actions on political happenings. Wait for someone who holds that responsibility to make the move or call.


Alliance Admiral

Go2 Mobile - Ursa Major S01









